Welcome! Thanks for coming to this space! My name is Chelsea and I’m a new mom trying to navigate the hugs and hiccups of motherhood. 


My boyfriend and I have been together for a decade and have a feisty, two-year-old daughter together. We have a Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell relationship going on. Our birthdays are a day apart!


We’re from a suburb right outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, or what we like to call, Delco. I’ll be sharing plenty of things to do with kids in Philadelphia, Delco, and the surrounding areas if you live close-by or are just visiting.


We agreed to push house hunting back so I could become a stay-at-home-mom. It was scary and felt completely wrong, but after working from home with our daughter for four months since she was eight weeks old, I was finally able to ENJOY being with her.


Mommas, as you know, this isn’t a walk in the park.


I had no one to relate to for many of my experiences as a new mom. For example, I worked from home with a newborn in the midst of a pandemic juggling an intense and demanding position. Oh, and breastfeeding. Who would have thought my innocent, little baby could suck the tip of my nipple off? Not me. Sleep? HA. My daughter was a baby of the night until a year old. However, when I did try sleep training at 9 months old, it worked! Check out that post here.


My hope is that even a single post will reach you and help you with this often challenging new role as a mother, starring YOU!



Welcome! Thanks for coming to this space! My name is Chelsea and I’m a new mom trying to navigate the hugs and hiccups of motherhood. 


My boyfriend and I have been together for a decade years and we have a two-year-old daughter together. We have a Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell relationship going on. Our birthdays are a day apart!


We’re from a suburb right outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, or what we like to call, Delco. I’ll be sharing plenty of things to do with kids in Philadelphia, Delco, and the surrounding areas if you live close-by or are just visiting.


We agreed to push house hunting back so I could become a stay-at-home-mom. It was scary and felt completely wrong, but after working from home with our daughter for four months since she was eight weeks old, I was finally able to ENJOY being with her.


Mommas, as you know, this isn’t a walk in the park.


I had no one to relate to for many of my experiences as a new mom. For example, I worked from home with a newborn in the midst of a pandemic juggling an intense and demanding position. Oh, and breastfeeding. Who would have thought my innocent, little baby could suck the tip of my nipple off? Not me. Sleep? HA. My daughter was a baby of the night until a year old. However, when I did try sleep training at 9 months old, it worked! Check out that post here.


My hope is that even a single post will reach you and help you with this often challenging new role as a mother, starring YOU!