Ready to turn your Pinterest presence into a powerhouse for your brand? You're in the right place!

I'm Chelsea, your go-to Pinterest Manager, and I'm here to elevate your business to new heights!

Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, a seasoned business owner, or somewhere in between, Pinterest has something special in store for you.

Why Pinterest? Why Now?
Pinterest isn't just a mood board-- it's a marketing goldmine! With over 400 million monthly users seeking inspiration and ideas, it's the perfect place to showcase your brand, products, and services.

Now, let's get down to business!

What I Bring

to the Table

If your online business includes blogging, you can't ignore Pinterest. It is FREE organic traffic!

✨ Profile Perfection: I’ll craft a Pinterest profile that not only looks great but also speaks volumes about your brand. From captivating visuals to an irresistible bio, I’ll make sure you make a stellar first impression.

✨ Pin-tastic Creations: Need pins that pop? I’ve got you covered! Let’s bring your brand to life with visually stunning pins. I’ll design custom pins each month that resonate with your audience, tell your story, and drive engagement.

 ✨ Pin Scheduling Magic: Say goodbye to pinning stress! I’ll take care of scheduling your pins, so you can sit back, relax, and watch the magic happen.

✨ Analytics F*ck Yeah: Curious about your Pinterest performance? I’ve got the scoop! Detailed analytics reports will give you all the insights you need to track your success and plan for the future.

Don't waste a SINGLE SECOND LONGER! Seriously.

I've been there. I created a blog and taught myself how to grow on Pinterest. I didn't take a course. I researched the shit out of Pinterest by reading blogs touting the latest and greatest strategies and watching countless Youtube videos. Within 5 months, I went from ZERO to 22K Impressions on Pinterest and that was me doing jack-diddly-shit most of the time.

You're probably thinking, "Okay Chelsea, then if you did the bare minimum and grew your account, then I definitely don't need a Pinterest Manager. I can do it myself too."

Ya know the saying, "Fuck around and find out." I do. On top of writing CONSISTENT, trending content (months before holidays), finding and adding images to blog posts, inserting affiliate links, creating visually appealing pins, and scheduling enough pins for each blog post, I was DONE.

You just can’t do it all and if you are, then you’re probably here because you tried. You’re either burnt out and stressed or you want to tap into Pinterest but are overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. Pinterest is a long game. It takes approximately 3 months to see results AND CONTINUE seeing results, if you’re pinning CONSISTENTLY.

After 2 months of not pinning at all, I went from 22K Impressions down to half of that.